An exceptional tabula ansata from an imperial Arsenal referring to the treatment of the imperial horses
Los 3173
Anonymous Imperial Arsenal, 6th-7th centuries. Tabula Ansata (Bronze, 86x50 mm, 89.09 g). †ZⲰΟΝ ΔΙΑΦ S / TⲰ ΘЄΙⲰ APMAMEN S / ΠΡΟCTAXΘЄN KATA ΘΙ S / ΤΥΠΟΝ MIA AΓΓΑΡ, S in four lines; in the center of the upper one, draped facing imperial bust, wearing trefoil crown and pendilia. Rev. Blank. For a close parallel from the Zacos collection, now in the Musée d'art et d'histoire in Geneve, accession number CdN 2004-0536, cf. S. Bendall and C. Morrison (2003): Protecting Horses in Byzantium in: A. Avramea et al. (eds): Byzantium - State and Society: In Memory of Nikos Oikonomides, pp. 31-49 and Zacos II p. 131. An exceptional, highly interesting piece of Byzantine military history. Sharply engraved and exceptionally well preserved. Good extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The inscription on this plaque reads 'The animal belonging to the imperial arsenal, according to imperial decree, may not be subjected to hard labour.' Much like the cited example, this bronze plaque, crafted in the shape of a tabula ansata, was once mounted in the stalls of an imperial arsenal, where animals used for transporting weapons were kept. It refers to an imperial decree ensuring these animals were not employed for other tasks. The plaque in Geneva bears busts of an emperor and empress, divided by crosses, identified as Justin II and Sophia or possibly Tiberius II and Anastasia. Our piece originates from roughly the same period, but the bust does not permit precise identification. It is, in any case, a highly interesting piece of Byzantine military history.
250 CHF
1200 CHF
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